Yes! We ship all over the world. If you'd like to get an idea of the cost to ship to you, please take a look at this page- Shipping Estimates
Contact Us
Hello. How can we help you?
Phone: 503.632.2470
Toll Free: 1-855-Reels-4-U (1-855-733-5748)
*Due to COVID-19 and Oregon's "stay-home order," our office staff has been asked to work from home. With that, we are trying to answer and return as many calls as possible during business hours, but are down to only 1 phone line. We thank you for your understanding and patience with our phones during this time.
We are in the office Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm PST (We are located in Oregon)
You can also email us directly at [email protected] OR fill out the form below.
We strive to answer emails within 24 - 48 hours, during business hours, Monday - Friday. If you email after business hours or on the weekend, we will get back to you as quickly as possible, once we are back in the office.
*If you have a question about your order, please include your order number when emailing or leaving a voicemail.
Looking for a quick answer? Here are our top 4 questions:
*click the question to see the answer*
7 is the magic number.
But, why does it look like there is more? Imagine the viewer…there are 2 spots that you look through, one for each eye. The 14 images you see on the reel are not repeated or extra spaces, instead they are duplicates directly across from one another because you need an independent image for your left and right eye. Therefore, you could not fill up each space with 14 different images and you can only fit 7 on a reel.
Please see this page for details and photo explanations- 7 Images Explained
Once you place your order it takes us 5 business days to process before shipping (not including the day of purchase). If you place your order with a custom imprinted viewer, the turnaround time becomes 10 business days. We have complete details about our production schedule, with examples on this page- RetroViewer Production Schedule
We also have a handy guide with shipping estimates on this page- Shipping Estimates
If you originally placed your order through another seller such as Uncommon Goods or Amazon, you will find your redemption code inside the box with the viewer. It will be on a blue card and start with RV- 3 letters and a series of 12 numbers. You will use your redemption code as payment, just like a gift card and apply it to your shopping cart when you checkout. Please be sure to include the dashes and add it to the "redemption code" box and not the "coupon" box.